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Apr 17, 2011

Gartner: Apple Tablet market by 2015 Android to dominate will grow faster

Posted by TechBoyArena on Sunday, April 17, 2011 0 comments

Recently we're talking 2015 Android operating system is the mobile market will be conquered and WP7 Gartner gave a prediction. Now Gartner was again refined for other predictions with the chart. We start in 2011 and we have already seen a lot of tablets, so we call the tablet of 2011. Manufacturers of many tablets this year, the release plan and most of them are powered by Android. So where do you think Android we tablets [NULL] If you are talking about iOS in 2015 will stand. Let's talk about it.

In 2010, iPad 83.9% market share, and now it is 68.7%. Does anyone know why this? If its Android to think you are right. In 2010, Android share 14.2 and now it is 19.9. Other operating system, Ios and Android too far. Android 2015 iOS win the following iOS still will lead, but each year, the market share will fall gradually and maybe 2016 or 2017 because your facts correct if you think this Android. As you can see from the chart, Android market share growing rapidly each year Ios is getting near. so I think what Apple is trying to face some tough times and they Android is obviously easy water something to kick.

In 2010, 17 million tablets, sales and approximately 70 million tablets this year, will be sold in 2012 it will cross 100 million and 300 million in 2015 [NULL] will touch it Gartner Predictions now.

Well folks, Gartner just create some predictions. Most of the time their predictions are true, but all the time. Then wait and see.

So the Tablet fanatics out there, do you think Gartner Predictions right?

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