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Apr 17, 2011

Windows 8 M1 build 6.1.7850 leaked download available

Posted by TechBoyArena on Sunday, April 17, 2011 0 comments

Windows 8 was in the news for a long time now and today, milestone 1 is leaked on Web but currently on private FTP server Beta archivespublished. It is expected to soon to find its way to torrents and other file sharing sites.

Win7China and other sources has already quoted, that Windows 8 milestone 3 is ready while the leaked build is rather old. Windows 8 milestone 1 build 7850 has build string 6.1.7850.0. winmain_win8m1. 100922-1508. Number 10/09/22 in the string says that internal build was compiled which is leaked on 22 September 2010.

As I said, as the build is pretty old, but if you curious new Windows 8 features try out are a click Reset, Aero car colorization, user picture in system tray, etc. then you eye can keep, if this leak is a public right of way on your favorite torrent site. File name is 6.1.7850.0. winmain_win8m1. 100922-1508_x86fre_client-enterprise_en-us.iso with file size from 2.45 GB (2,637,101,056 bytes) and MD5 EA2DCFADA6BBA517A0A0649D15E1EB3D

It is not confirmed whether the above functions in milestone 1 are integrated, because most of them came to light after the build was compiled, but curious guys can try it on virtual machine.  Windows 7 build 7022 DVD ISO LeakedWindows 7 RTM build 7600.16385 ISO DownloadMS Office 2010 RC build 14.0.4734.1000 TorrentWindows leaked 7 Service Pack 1 beta leaked TorrentWindows 7 Service Pack 1 7601.17514.101119-1850 final RTMWindows 7 build 7048 many CustomizationWindows live has beta leaked VersionWindows 7 Essentials wave 4 beta of leaked torrent leaked on TorrentsWindows home server Vail available forms Office 2010 RTM final build 14.0.4734.1000 EscrowGet updates related to Windows 8 M1 build 6.1.7850 leaked download available in your email

Rohit is editor-in-Chief and owner of Blogsolute. He is a technology enthusiast and mechanical engineering student. Loves the game believes with electronic gadgets and simple life. You can use it on Twitter @ Maholfollow

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