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Apr 25, 2010

Advertorial: Find Lost Stolen Blackberry

Posted by RD on Sunday, April 25, 2010 0 comments

What if I lose my blackberry? Heard a lot in forums, blogs in fact everywhere that I lost my blackberry, it’s stolen; I forgot it in coffee shop.

Thought to publish something useful and helping for my readers, and got successful in finding a real app even for my own phone that got saved till I am interested in using.

Black Berry is quiet popular among every range, either it’s a business man, high school gal/guy, president OBAMA or Celebrities, everyone is interested in using it.

Why not to save it for life time rather having tears of losing our most valuable thing, for this I found something real we call a technology byte.

Most of us searched it with different queries to find solution of their problem regarding their lost phones so I wanted to mention all of them so it comes up useful for everyone.

These queries are being sent to most of the time and I collected the most sent 10 queries that we apply to have solution.

1) How to locate lost blackberry.

2) How to find my stolen blackberry.

3) Track a blackberry phone.

4) Track lost bb.

5) Find my blackberry.

6) Find my blackberry with GPS.

7) Lost blackberry application.

.8) What if I lose my blackberry?

9) Is there a way to find blackberry location?

10) Can you find a stolen blackberry?
Worried of Losing BB? You can save it.

Find Your Lost BlackBerry with GPS:

Berry Snooper: Berry Snooper allows you to find your lost stolen BlackBerry in a jiffy. Berry Snooper is a fast and easy insurance policy for your device! Track your lost or stolen ‘berry by sending it an SMS or an email, and it will immediately respond with a map clearly showing you its location. The Berry Snooper website makes tracking and locating your device a snap!
Berry Snooper is a BB friendly app it runs silently in the background waiting for a secure, tracking SMS request to be received. Responses are only sent to your Berry Snooper web portal, so no one other than you can track your device.

Video Link for Understanding Berry Snooper Working:

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