The India National Telecom backbone Bharat Sanchar Nigam LTD (BSNL) today says that the port has crossed the 1 Lakh (1, 00, 000) in the request under the mobile number portability (MNP) in Andhra Pradesh Telecom circle and found GSM migration in BSNL mobile network of other operatorsregistered in AP round.
If you remember, a few days back we also reported on TelecomTalk that BSNL emerged as the most preferred mobile service operator in the State of Andhra Pradesh Telecom circle after the launch of MNP in the State.
To celebrate this achievement and grab more and more 2 G and 3 G subscribers, BSNL also launched new prepaid plan ' VENNELA-MATCH " for 2 G and 3 G mobile subscribers in Andhra Pradesh circles, which offers the lowest local, Regulatory and roaming calls, free SMS and many other advantages.
According to Mr. Rajeev Agarwal, CGMT, BSNL AP round, BSNL is done extremely well in the mobile number portability (MNP) in Andhra Pradesh. Were more than established migration in BSNL GSM network (2 G/3 G) of the other operators until it returns the previous grandeur users chosen by BSNL in MNP, which has arrested more than 1 lakh in port in requests.
This efficiency, which not only continues to be the best among all the BSNL circles, but also makes the BSNL having maximum net big winner among all operators. BSNL AP round also saw strong increases revenue and the maintenance of the highest growth among all operators in AP in the activations of new mobile connections.
Mr. Agrawal also stated that in the conditions for the next generation of mobile services, services in BSNL 3 G was accepted well in the market in AP and has over 1.54 lakh 3 G connections are active in AP.
BSNL one introduces new prepaid plans for future 2 G and 3 G mobile subscribers in Andhra Pradesh circle, dubbed as VENNELA-MATHEMATICS, 28 (2 G) and Rs. 24 (3 G).
BSNL Vennela-match prepaid planwelcome to the Goodies (Valid for 30 days) 2000 SMS200 MB free data usage 100 min video CallsLocal, normative, roaming calls (all networks), family and friends, N (5 numbers of AP) 20 p/min to BSNL40p/min to other N/W of AP20p/min to BSNL40p/min to other N/W of AP20p/min to BSNL40p/min to other N/W of AP20p/min to BSNL40p/min to other N/W of AP
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