Proving itself as one of the most pocket-friendly operator Uninor in India, one of the fastest growing cellular operators recently bear another STV (special tariff voucher) for whole India to continue its trend. This unique STV will provide local on-net call as 2 p/Min.
The value of this package is Rs. 38 (may vary from round to round) and comes with inbuilt 2000 min/1, 20, 000 seconds, local in-net talk time. This STV will work for a period of 30 days from the date of reload. And this will cost around 2 p/Min which is very effective in this current scenario.
Uninor already has STV 31 (in certain circles is STV 32) which gives 1000 min/60 000 s local in-Net calls. So it is clear that the new STV is more value for money.
RS. 38(name may differ from round to round)
2000 Minutes/1, 20,000 secondsLocal on-Net
(Benefits or call rates may vary from circle to circle)
With Uninor MRP and benefit (speed of conversation) STVs may differ from the circle of the circle. So before recharging, make sure that by calling the Line @ 121 (toll-free) for assistance from the mobile Uninor Uninor
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