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Apr 24, 2011

iOS has more users than Android in the United States, says comScore

Posted by TechBoyArena on Sunday, April 24, 2011 0 comments

comScore has carried out the intriguing study of Apple products running iOS, in comparison with Google Android in the United States. Research is broadly and concluded that the platform of iOS outreaches Android with a whopping 59%.

Consumers in the United States with devices running iOS account for 37.9 million among all mobile phones, tablets and other related media devices. The number of users with iPhone is greater than those with iPod touches, but unsurprisingly both represent approximately twice the number of iPads sold.

Compared with 37.9 million iOS users, Google's Android user basis only accounts for 23.8 million users. Interestingly only 10.5 per cent of the Angel iOS users from accessing the platform by more than one device. As mobile subscribers iOS holds 16.2 per cent a share, compared with a share of 10.2 per cent is Android.

comScore are preparing the results of their research in Europe and will release the data in the coming days, so stay tuned.



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